Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Generative Components Project

PDF of GC Project

(The pdf file is a out 20mb and includes 2 animations a .u3d file and renders)

Here is a project done with Microstation and Generative Components. We had to research and produce a piece of architecture. My chosen area was adaptive/dynamic architecture. A Building that adapts and reacts.

My original proposal was to create a building that was adaptive and reactive to an environment. This is what I have done. I have created a building that can shift its structure depending on the wind direction and speed, making it adaptable to the environment. This means the building can also exist in completely different environments.
It also is reactive to people around it. The entrance way can move around the building depending on the people using the building and where they are.

The building itself consists of a number of floors. These floors have a central pillar running up the middle. They are connected by two spiral ramps going the entire way up the building. The exterior is a hexagon grid holding glass glazing. If two or more buildings exist they are connected by a bridge. This bridge has a roof consisting of random waves, which differ in height.
The building and its floors shift a certain amount depending on the wind; this means the building is more aerodynamic and can cope better with stronger winds, no matter what direction.

As you can see if the PDF presentation there is a number of components for this building. Starting from the early grid components, moving onto the later grid components, the bridge roofing components and the bridge itself, and an experimental exterior grid. In later iterations the building itself is a component meaning many of them can be placed and worked with.

3D Visulisation Project - 3DS Max + VRay

Here is a project i did with 3DS Max and Vray. It was to model up a piece of Australian Architecture. The building is in Tasmania and is a Coastal Retreat.

3D Visulisation Project - Solidworks

Here is a small project done in SolidWorks. The task was to model up a childs play set. Here is what i came up with.

3D Visulisation Project - Sketch up

Here is a quick Sketchup project i did in a few hours. the task was to model up a house with materials etc.