Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Experiment 2.. UT2004..

Attention: I have a note from the sports association saying that i was away for a week. That is why my experiment 2 is a bit late, i tried to upload a picture of the letter but it wont let me upload pics at the moment for some reason.

Download Link for Map..


UT2004 Map Image Caps..

Looking up a section of the ramp heading towards the meeting space. Gives a feeling of unease and uncertainty.

Looking into Hawkins space, with a centre piece show the beauty of simple geometry. Highlighted by the reds and the light.

Looking at the Hawkins ramp, showing the danger and uncertainty that can be associated with life, as well as the beauty of simple geometry.

Looking onto Darwin's ramp. This ramp shows the need for change in direction, and not simply heading for that which catches your eye.

Inside the bottom section of Darwin's space.

Overall view of the spaces and ramps.

Looking into the meeting space, with light filtering in through the slits in the roof.



Draft Environments..

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